If the rented car is broken, will the insurance be valid?

If the rented car is broken, will the insurance be valid?
If the rented car is broken, will the insurance be valid?

People often resort to car rental companies to meet their daily vehicle needs. It is expected that they will be able to use the tools they choose safely during the day as they are required to fulfill certain conditions. However, people in traffic, even if they regularly use the tools of the accident can come to fruition. These accidents can sometimes be severe accidents, but sometimes there are accidents resulting in minor property damage.

To give a small example of this, the side mirrors of the vehicles can often be broken. At this stage, if the rental vehicle is broken at the same time, the insurance is valid and the question comes to mind. Firms have insurance that covers damage to the vehicle's mirror or windshield. For this reason, users do not have to pay any extra fees.
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