Will the car be delivered as a full fuel leased?

Will the car be delivered as a full fuel leased?
Today, vehicles have an important place. There are vehicles in our country and in the world that have billions in numbers. However, this is not the case for everyone. Those who do not own their own vehicle first go to a car rental company for car rental. However, there are certain points in this issue. One of these issues is who will fill the leased car fuel. You have to agree with the place you rented the vehicle and look for the fuel condition while taking the vehicle. When you use the vehicle and return it, the fuel level of the vehicle must be at the same level. In this case you have to fill in the fuel. If you use extra fuel, you need to pay this difference to the company. But if the fuel you fill is more than the fuel you use, there is nothing to do in this case.
Will the car be delivered as a full fuel leased?
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