Wenn ich das gemietete Auto nicht gebe, was passiert mit den Rechten des Unternehmens?

Wenn ich das gemietete Auto nicht gebe, was passiert mit den Rechten des Unternehmens?
If I do not give the rented car money, what happens to the rights of the company?
  If you do not want to pay the debts initially paid to you, you should definitely talk to your lawyer about legal grounds. What would be the rights of the company if I did not give the rented vehicle money? Or how you can put a sanction on them at any time you think that you do not have to pay the company and debt with the company until you make the agreement you owe against the company. The company is one step ahead of you in this situation and will want to collect the vehicle before delivery. Otherwise the event will be moved to the legal grounds.
Many companies or organizations receive payments in advance, but if an exceptional situation occurs and you have borrowed money from the car rental company and you have objected to a loan after a dispute you have experienced, the size and process of trade has changed....
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